校园文化 & 操作
我们的排放量被分为 范围1、2和3. Scope 1 refers to direct emissions from owned or controlled sources, including onsite fuel combustion from heating or cooling or from campus fleet vehicles. Scope 2 refers to all indirect emissions from purchased electricity. Scope 3 is made up of all other indirect emissions, 包括通勤, 学校赞助的航空旅行, 垃圾处理, 购买商品. All our actions, individual and institutional, contribute to our collective footprint. Here's how we're tackling our shared emissions.
Our community encourages and engages with sustainability and climate action, 无论是在校园里还是校外. 校园可持续发展措施, 多样性和包容性, 健康, and other mission-driven values are integrated and mutually supported. Our goal is that by the time Barnard students graduate, they have engaged with sustainability and climate action through classes they take, 校园活动, or internships and student groups they involve themselves in. 我们的年度捐赠 & Go Green sale and Rebear Boutique promote circular economy solutions on campus. Programming such as 世界十大电子游戏平台’s “Dialogues for Change” and the Athena Center's "Athena Climate Challenge" help situate Barnard students as leaders in climate solutions.
建筑 & 能源
Barnard is developing a pathway to net-zero emissions that includes building retrofits and renewable energy strategies for Scope 1 and 2 emissions. The urgent need for this work is clear: In order to align with science-based emissions reductions targets, Barnard will need to decarbonize campus buildings and energy systems, 从现在开始.
In the December 2019 气候行动愿景, Barnard committed to defining a pathway to carbon neutrality. In 2020-21, the College began working with consulting partners to develop a Planning Roadmap to determine the required annual emissions reductions to achieve net zero, and to outline in broad strokes what it may take to get there operationally and financially. 2021年春天, the College was awarded NYSERDA funding for the next phase of work which will include a step by step pathway detailing building retrofits and electrification, 加上可再生电力的来源.
过去的行动包括加入 纽约市碳挑战 in 2009 and is proud to be one of the first NYC institutions to reach the initial goal of 30% emissions reductions from 2005 levels. 2017年,学院签署了我们还在” pledge, underscoring our effort to meet the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. Progress to date includes offsetting 100% of purchased electricity with Renewable 能源 Certificates (RECs) and energy efficiency projects including LED lighting conversions.
消费 & 浪费
2016年,十大电竞游戏综合排名完成了 全面评估 of our greenhouse gas emissions with Gotham 360. This assessment concluded that Scope 3 made up the largest portion of Barnard's emissions (Scope 3 emissions include our trash, 我们上下班, 我们的购买, 食物, 和旅行. 循环方法, 作为我们校园循环计划的一部分, to consumption entails strategies at every point along the cycle — from procurement to reuse to waste management. Barnard currently averages a 24% diversion rate. This is on par for some peers but a long way from the 80% goal of New York’s Zero 浪费 by 2030 program.
In 2020, Barnard Facilities and the Office of 可持续性 partnered to suspend desk-side bin service; studies have shown that diversion rates improve when people sort their own waste, and our hardworking facilities team can now devote attention to important maintenance and cleaning work. Barnard has single stream recycle which also includes organics collection in academic buildings and offices. We are currently piloting organics collection in the residence halls.
需要帮助回收? 电子邮件 green@keelunginter.com to join our office outreach program for training. Contact us if you're in need of more signs, or 打印你自己的.
Our outdoor green spaces play a crucial role in the way our community convenes and in our impact on the local environment. With the introduction of the Milstein Center, 我们有更多的绿色屋顶空间, 这增加了户外放松的空间, as well as provides environmental benefits for the building.
Members of Barnard’s grounds team have been working with faculty and staff to develop a set of guiding principles for green spaces on campus; one key goal is to build on the success of the Arthur Ross Greenhouse and the three community gardens (two student, one faculty) and continue to expand opportunities for community participation and education. Additional goals include increasing biodiversity on campus and transitioning to all-electric grounds care.
作为第一步, in 2021, 十大电竞游戏综合排名举办了两个植树日, for the Alicia Lawrence Memorial Garden and to celebrate Earth Day.