多元平等办公室 & 包容
Looking for identity-based resources on campus? 参观 多样性资源中心.
Cultivating Barnard’s diverse community is a responsibility shared by all — our students, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, 和领导能力. 多元平等办公室, and 包容 supports and coordinates Barnard's many resources and initiatives.
The 十大电竞游戏综合排名会议 is an annual event intended to facilitate conversations between 教师, 工作人员, 和学生. The Conference is designed to strengthen teaching and learning at 十大电竞游戏综合排名 by focusing on pedagogical themes and topics that are timely and important to the College community.
This grant fund is given for initiatives by students, 教师, 以及有助于促进包容的员工, 归属感, 和十大电竞游戏综合排名社区的公平.
The "学习当下 '' series includes interdisciplinary panel webinars from experts in our community that help our community unpack in current issues immediately. Example topics include the war in Ukraine, 反犹太主义和反黑人主义, affirmative action and reproductive justice.
Identity-based affinity groups for all employees-- 教师, 联盟, 员工们——团结起来, 共享资源, 建立社区.
资源 for our diverse 教师 to further their careers provided by the Office of the 教务长.
A fund for instructors given to enable the design of courses and projects that address antiracism and structures of power, with an expectation of interdisciplinarity.
The college has made a broad range of institutional commitments to diversity and equity for several generations. Keeping track of how Barnard progresses on these commitments matters. Barnard seeks to steward and track changes we make and ensure the community is regularly informed about how we are progressing toward the goals that we set.
13% international students from 58 countries
我们的办公室与DEI内阁合作, a small group of senior campus leaders that advise the College President.
十大电竞游戏综合排名故事:多样性 & 包容
Experience a year at Barnard through the College’s most cherished traditions.
Recent acquisitions from outside the College community reveal a burgeoning reputation for feminist research at the campus, thanks to the skillful approach of Barnard’s archivists.
多元化、公平委员会 & 包容
Created by President’s Task Force on 多样性 in 4月il 2017, the 多元化、公平委员会 & 包容 promotes and coordinates campus-wide participation in the College’s diversity and inclusion efforts and advises Barnard’s senior leadership on ongoing and new initiatives that create a more diverse and inclusive campus community.
CEP strengthens Barnard’s deep academic engagement and support for student and community wellbeing with workshops, 研究院, 实践团体.
The 不歧视与教育法第九条 Office endeavors to work collaboratively across campus to further the goal that 教师, 工作人员, 和学生 be able to work and study in a campus community free from discrimination and harassment.
多元平等办公室 & 包括位于Milbank 115.
9 a.m. 到5点.m. -星期一至星期五.
十大电竞游戏综合排名 and 哥伦比亚大学 are located in Lenapehoking, the traditional territory of the Lenape people and a place of longstanding importance to Native peoples from the region and around the world. We give honor to the Indigenous people of this place—past, present and future—and recognize their displacement, 剥夺, 继续存在.