《十大电竞游戏综合排名》邀请了多位演讲嘉宾, 面板, 研讨会, 还有艺术界的信息发布会. 艺术的焦点 increases exposure of students to a range of careers and considerations in the industry, 同时提供 雇主的合作伙伴 有机会与十大电竞游戏综合排名优秀的学生群体交流.
The series aims to share practical information with students about the ins and outs of pursuing work in the arts (museums, 画廊, 文化机构, 媒体, 甚至更多!),同时也参与到重要问题的对话中 by 行业内的个人. 学生受益于与从业人员和专业人才的直接接触, 同时也相互联系,建立一种群体感.
的问题 艺术的焦点 可以直接发送到 BeyondBarnard@keelunginter.com.
春季2024 FOCUS系列开赛| 1月26日(周五)下午1:00 - 1:45
The Arts FOCUS series aims to share practical information with students about the ins and outs of pursuing work in the arts (画廊, 文化机构, 媒体, 甚至更多!),同时也参与到重要问题的对话中 by professionals in) the industry.
艺术焦点:Groove With Me Inc. | 3月1日(周五)11:00am-12:00pm
加入Angelique Agudo Groove With Me Inc .高级总监. 讨论舞蹈管理和Groove With Me的工作
Groove With Me (GWM)是东哈莱姆区一所免费的女孩舞蹈学校. It attracts and engages girls during the idle after-school hours when 90% of youth violence occurs. 灌输生活技能,比如创造力, 解决问题, 毅力, 焦点, 奉献, 问责制会带来课堂内外的成功. 会议结束后将举行问答环节. 此次活动是2024年春季“艺术聚焦”系列活动的一部分. Search for "arts 焦点" in the events section for opportunities to connect with additional organizations within the arts.
艺术焦点:新视角戏剧 | 3月1日星期五下午1:00 -2:00
Join Melody Brooks Artistic Director at New Perspectives Theatre Company for a discussion on their Women's Work Project. 主题包括:新兴作家今天需要什么? Finding a Network of Artists and Producers Learn From and Find Critical 反馈 Other 资源 of 支持 此次活动是2024年春季“艺术聚焦”系列活动的一部分. Search for "arts 焦点" in the events section for opportunities to connect with additional organizations within the arts.
艺术焦点:现场艺术,作为公民的艺术家:将你的艺术付诸行动 | 2024年3月1日,周五,下午2:00 - 3:00
Are you interested in putting your Arts into action or starting an Arts non-profit? 加盟切尔西·安斯沃思, Executive Director of Arts on Site as she discusses her Woman-run Arts Non Profit organization dedicated to providing artists with opportunities to create and perform new work!
“现场艺术”最初是一个展示艺术家的活动. 这次活动是由专业艺术家切尔西·安斯沃思发起的, 凯尔Netzeband, 阿德里安·罗萨斯, 将不同艺术形式的艺术家联系起来. As the event grew, a diverse community of artists grew and the concept for Arts On Site was born.
艺术焦点:职业见解:电影职业 & TV (Wednesday, November 1st; 1:00pm-2:00pm EST)
加入我们即将到来的职业洞察:电影职业 & TV to hear about the career trajectories of Barnard alums currently working in a diverse range of roles within this industry. 我们的小组成员将讲述他们的日常生活, 扮演各自角色的挑战和回报, and the opportunities and skill sets they’ve found to be most helpful in fleshing out their unique career pathways.
Sarah Choi (‘16); Writer & 创意生产者
Lily Kaplan (‘16); Head Of Development, Dorothy Street Pictures
职业生涯的见解 is a speaker and panel series that introduces Barnard students to professionals from a broad range of expertise and backgrounds. 演讲嘉宾, 大多是十大电竞游戏综合排名的校友, will hold informal chats or participate in panel presentations based on their industries and experiences. The 职业生涯的见解 series is a great opportunity for students to learn about different career trajectories and ask questions and engage with those who are actively immersed in their field(s) of interest.
艺术焦点系列:导师在驻地-杰米巴比特 (Friday, November 10th; 1:00pm-3:00pm EST)
The Mentor-in-Residence program provides an opportunity to learn about an industry and ask questions to an industry-expert. After you register here, you will be directed to the site to schedule a 30-min appt. The meetings will be virtual on 变焦 and may include up to three other students simultaneously. 空间有限. 时间安排是先到先得的. 电子邮件lmaltz@barnard.提问.
Jamie Babbit has directed several features and produced and directed multiple award winning television shows. 她的处女作, 但我是啦啦队员, was listed by The Independent as one of the top twenty best romantic comedies of all time. 巴比特导演的电视作品包括《世界十大电子游戏平台》 , 他们自己的联盟(亚马逊), 飞行员), 神奇的夫人. 梅塞尔, 俄罗斯娃娃, 《世界十大电子游戏平台》,她因此获得了艾美奖最佳喜剧导演提名. 巴比特也是《世界十大电子游戏平台》的执行制片人, 他们自己的联盟和硅谷, and she recently directed the pilot for a new historical fantasy series for Amazon called My Lady Jane. 巴比特的职业生涯始于马丁·斯科塞斯在《世界十大电子游戏平台》中的实习. Itty Bitty tity委员会, 她的第二部作品, won The Grand Jury prize at the SXSW film festival and her short "Stuck" won a jury prize at Sundance. 《世界十大电子游戏平台》曾报道过巴比特, 从杂志, 时间, 洛杉矶时报, 电影杂志, 和《世界十大电子游戏平台》. Babbit graduated from 十大电竞游戏综合排名 of 哥伦比亚大学 where she was a Centennial Scholar in foreign studies, 她在Shaker Heights长大, 俄亥俄州. 她目前与女友和两个女儿住在加州洛杉矶.
艺术焦点:十大电竞游戏综合排名儿童图书小组 (Thursday, November 30th; 5:30pm-6:30pm EST)
你有没有想过为儿童或青少年写一本书, 但你不确定从哪里开始? Bestselling and award-winning children's book authors Karina Yan Glaser (Class of 2002), 艾比·汉隆(1998届毕业生), 维多利亚J. Coe(1983届)和E. L. Shen (Class of 2018) discuss their paths from Barnard to now in his hour-long panel about the many different ways to become a children's book author and illustrator.
Karina Yan Glaser (Class of 2002) is the New York Times bestselling writer and illustrator of The Vanderbeekers series. 这个系列的第一本书, 141街的范德比克一家, 是《世界十大电子游戏平台》著名儿童读物吗. She is also the author of the standalone novel A Duet for Home, a Publishers Weekly bestseller. 在www上找到她.karinaglaser.com.
艾比·汉隆(1998届毕业生)是《世界十大电子游戏平台》的作者和插画家, 为5到9岁的孩子准备的章节书系列. 这些书已被翻译成24种语言. Her first picture book Ralph Tells A Story is widely used in elementary school classrooms. She recently illustrated Chester van Chime Who Forgot How to Rhyme by Avery Monsen. 在abbyhanlon上找到她.com
维多利亚J. 科(1983届毕业生)是九本儿童读物的作者, 包括“全球朗读”, 一所学校, 最喜欢的一本书, 亚马逊教师选择芬威和海蒂. Co-founder of Write On Productions, she also co-authored Writing Kidlit 101: A Self-Guided Course. 到维多利亚去拜访她.com/@victoriajcoe.
E. L. Shen (Class of 2018) is the author of The Comeback which was praised in The New York Times for its "fast-paced prose and big emotions" as well as The Queens of New York, 她的青少年处女作. 她的下一本书《世界十大电子游戏平台》将于2024年1月出版. E. L. is also a senior editor at Penguin Young Readers, a division of Penguin Random House. 在elshenwrites网站上找到她.com.
3月28日(下午2时): 导师-宾塔·尼安比·布朗
Learn about Binta Brown's role as the founder of omalilly projects and her former role as Head of 操作 and Strategy at Keep Cool/RCA Records.
三月二十九日(下午一时): 职业见解-图书馆员,档案管理员,分类学家, & 博物馆事业
一系列的小组成员将讨论他们作为图书馆员的职业, 档案工作人员, 分类学家, 在博物馆工作.
四月四日(下午一时): 驻校导师- Lakshmi Sundaram, 2008
了解Lakshmi Sundaram在电视和电影领域的各种职位.
4月10日(下午5:30): 大都会艺术博物馆
加入Zoe Tippl '15, 大都会博物馆的高级项目经理, to learn more about her role and her previous experience working with exhibitions at the Whitney Museum.
4月12日(下午5:30): 石膏的房子
娜塔莉Kawam, 十大电竞游戏综合排名校友兼艺术顾问, 会讨论她自己开公司的历程吗, 石膏的房子, which builds partnerships between artists and businesses of all kinds for alternative exhibitions, 活动, 和更多的.
四月十三日(下午一时): 从想法中构建叙事:专业作家的过程和案例研究
加入Lakshmi Sundaram吧, 洛杉矶的电视和电影作家,十大电竞游戏综合排名校友, for a part 2 event which will include a skills building case-study session to learn about the process of building a story/narrative from an idea.
四月十九日(下午五时): 艺术中的自由职业
Alexandra Haddad '21 will share her experience transitioning from an artistic assistant at the McCarter Theater Center to a Theatrical Intimacy Education freelance choreographer and coordinator.
四月二十六日(下午一时): 职业见解-创意写作的职业